Fitness Hub WordPress Fitness Theme

Fitness Hub

28,910 Downloads 700+ Happy Customers

Fitness Hub is a beautifully designed theme that will allow you to show off the best parts of your fitness-related business. As it is cross-browser compatible, fully responsive, and translation ready, reaching a larger audience will be much more simple for you. It is also WooCommerce compatible so your site can be used for online monetary transactions without any issues. Fitness Hub is also Page Builder compatible, meaning that you won’t need to have coding knowledge to build beautiful webpages.

Highly Customizable
Highly Customizable

Change almost everything and transform the look and feel of your website easily. Easy to configure theme options and settings enable you to design to your heart’s content.

Responsive Design

Build web pages that detect the visitor’s screen size and the device’s orientation and change the layout accordingly when the users visit your website.

WooCommerce Compatible
WooCommerce Compatible

Compatible with the official WordPress eCommerce plugin ‘WooCommerce’. Install WooCommerce, turn your website into an online store, and start selling your own products online.

Page Builder Support

Fully compatible with the popular WordPress Page Builder plugins for effective and easy process of creating the perfect site! Get all the information and support from the theme providers. 

WordPress Customizer
Live WordPress Customizer

Customize theme settings and site appearance (configure site’s identity, color scheme, menus, widgets, background image, etc.) with real time live previews. Feel the power of default front-end editor.

Custom Widgets
Custom Widgets

Mix and match the pieces of content and media across your website, specifically on sidebars, header and footer with custom widgets. Redefine the design your website your way.

Social Media Friendly
Social Media Friendly

Built in integration with social media platforms – social sharing, social icons, and other social media features made easy! Plus, it’s compatible with almost all the social media plugins.

Simple Design
Simple & Highly Intuitive Design

A WordPress beginner? No worries. You can simply confugure and customize the theme without touching any code – feel the simplicity and highly intuitive interface like never before.

Translation Ready
Translation Ready

Fully compatible with the popular translation widgets and plugins making your site eligible for translation to any other language other than the default.

Built-in Breadcrumbs

Comes with in-built Breadcrumbs, a navigational element that helps you stay in track of the location within your program, files and websites.

Cross Browser Compatible
Cross-browser Compatible

Use your website using any preferred browser of your choice without any unnecessary lag and even more faster loading time.

Fast Lightweight
Fast & Lightweight

Speed matters! Build a blazing fast website with this lightweight theme – built with minimal and clean code that is free from clutter & mess. Serve your site users faster & make them happier.