
WordPress 6.3: A Look into the Next Major Update

Get ready for the much-anticipated release of WordPress 6.3 on August 8, 2023!  This new update will significantly change how you work with the WordPress site editor and the block[…]

WordPress 6.3 Release

ThemeGrill is Sponsoring WordCamp Kathmandu 2023 

Are you all excited about the WordCamp Kathmandu 2023??   Yes, the biggest WordPress event is just around the corner. And we cannot be happier, as ThemeGrill is one of the[…]

ThemeGrill is Sponsoring WordCamp Kathmandu

Introducing ColorMag 3.0: Embrace the Captivating New Design! 

We’re back with yet another major announcement. Get ready for the new update of the ColorMag theme –  ColorMag Free 3.0 as well as ColorMag Pro 4.0, which have been[…]

Introducing ColorMag 3.0

Meet Serv. WordPress Block Theme –  New Design For Your FSE Site

Are you looking for a WordPress block theme with a modern design for your website? If so, we proudly present you with our newest Serv. WordPress theme.  Since the launch[…]

Introducing Serv. WordPress FSE Theme
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